On the subject of Covid 19, we first and foremost sincerely hope everyone is getting through this lock down with minimal additional stress and disruption as possible. We hope that your jobs and living situations haven't been too over burdened by this sudden global catastrophe. 
As for us, fortunately we are still able to continue to operate in level 4 thanks to ChemCouriers, our delivery partner who continue to work through these pressing times to deliver our packages. Online orders continue as per normal.

Regarding to this global pandemic, we thought we'd pass on some helpful information that we have recently received regarding Physan 20 and COVID-19. 

Over the past several months we have received several requests regarding Physan 20 product's viability in being used as a disinfectant around the house. We forwarded some of the requests to Physan 20 HQ in the USA who informed us that their environmental agency has just issued a report stating what particular active ingredients in household products would be effective against Coronaviruses.

The active ingredient Benzalkonium chloride which is present in Physan 20 is listed as one of the 10 in the report.

We are sure people may be faced with challenges in sourcing disinfectants in New Zealand due to panic buying and challenges faced around the lockdown. That is where the versatility of Physan 20 is great as a viable alternative to regular household disinfectants. So as well as being an algaecide and fungicide for the greenhouse and outdoors, Physan 20 is also a hospital grade disinfectant and sanitizer that is used all over the USA in hospitals, emergency wards and medical practices alike.

Due to the speed of the spread of this virus, there has not been a definitive test regarding any disinfectant and Covid-19, however we do know that Physan 20 controls enveloped viruses that are in the same category as Covid-19. As such we would expect that with the recommended exposure of ten minutes with Physan 20, Covid-19 would be properly controlled at a ratio of 15ml to 4 Litres of water. This can be sprayed on hard surfaces, both indoors and outdoors.


If you are interested in finding out more about the USA environmental agencies report we have included the link below:


We trust you are all staying safe where you are and we hope this piece of info can help out in some way.
Keep Safe!
The Physan team